
45歲上班族張先生平常就不愛喝水,在辦公室裡久坐處理公務,曾經發生輸尿管結石,治療後並未追蹤。日前因為腰痛、血尿而就醫,檢查後發現不但輸尿管 有一顆直徑2公分大的結石,並且因為工作繁忙、忍太久未就醫,腎臟有嚴重積水的現象,腎功能也變差,經進行輸尿管鏡碎石術治療,還在持續追蹤中。






The 26-year-old macho Xiaoguang "Hancao" is very good. He is 170 centimeters tall and weighs nearly 100 kilograms. He said that he never drinks water, only drinks the hand-cranked cup of tea drink that is popular in the market, and they are all "normal sweet"! I was recently sent to the emergency department because of low back pain and cold sweat. After the ultrasound examination, I found a kidney stone blocked in the ureter. I was smashed with a ureteroscope and took out a stone of about 0.7 cm. I was relieved.

Mr. Zhang, a 45-year-old office worker, usually does not like to drink water. He has been sitting in the office for a long time to handle official duties. He has had ureteral stones and has not been followed after treatment. Recently, I was treated for low back pain and hematuria. After the examination, I found that not only the ureter has a stone with a diameter of 2 cm, but also because of the busy work, long-term treatment, the kidney has severe water accumulation, the kidney function is also worse, and the ureteroscope is broken. Stone surgery is still being tracked.

Kaohsiung's comprehensive urologist Chen Yudian said that kidney stones are generally associated with diet and constitution. Because a salty or too sweet diet may cause calcium ions in the urine to precipitate stones. If the stone is in the bladder, the urine will have obstruction and intermittent symptoms. The urine will suddenly stop, and the urine can continue to continue after a while, or the urinary speed will slow down. The bladder stones can not be used for extracorporeal shock waves, and only cystoscopic lithotripsy can be performed.

If it is a urethral stone, it will not be completely urinary, or the urination will answer, the urethra will feel pain, and there may be a foreign body sensation. The urethra stones will be inserted from the urethral opening with an endoscope; if it is a ureteral stone, Significant severe pain, even accompanied by hematuria, ureteral stones can be considered extracorporeal shock wave, ureteroscopic lithotripsy surgery, safety is very high.

Chen Yudian said that stones in the kidneys may not cause symptoms, but may cause pain in the lower back due to repeated infections. If the kidney stones cause ureteral obstruction or even hydronephrosis, symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting and low back pain may occur. Generally, the kidney stones are less than 0.5 cm. If you drink more than half of the water, you will be discharged by yourself. If the stones above 0.6 cm cause symptoms or kidney edema, the doctor will recommend that the stones be crushed and discharged after non-invasive and safe extracorporeal shock waves. If the stone is too large and exceeds 2 cm, the extracorporeal shock wave may not be able to be treated. At this time, surgical percutaneous nephrostomy should be performed. The kidney is broken into the kidney thrlaennecough the kidney mirror, and then the stone is broken from the stoma.

Some people think that drinking beer can urinate the urinary tract stones. Chen Yudian said that in fact, it only increases the amount of urine to facilitate the discharge of stones. On the contrary, beer belongs to wheat products and contains oxalic acid. If it is too much, it will cause calcium oxalate stones. The counter effect is that tea and cola also contain oxalic acid. No matter which kind of beverage is too much, too salty or sweet, basically drink more boiled water, and the urine can be diluted without concentration to avoid urinary calculi.

How much water do you need to drink per person per day? According to Chen Yudian, according to the weight, about 30 to 40 cc of water per kilogram per day is required. According to a 60 kilogram adult, it is necessary to drink about 2000 cc a day. Second, it can also be judged from the color of urine: the color is too deep and thirsty, which means that the body is insufficient in water, resulting in concentration of urine.

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